Meet the newest member of the Gray Is Beautiful Society. Her name is Celia and she loves being a member of the Red Hat Society.
Celia has been a member of The Red Hat Society for a long time and thoroughly enjoys the times they get together. She and the other ladies of the club love dressing up in their purple dresses and red hats, and letting their hair down. Sometimes things get a little wild, but that doesn't deter any of the ladies. They love their lives, they love each other, and best of all they love happy fun - especially when it's the dress-up kind.
If you would like to read the story behind my Celia - Art Doll please
Helena is proud of her beautiful grayish white hair. She's a tough old bird and can definitely handle anything that is thrown at her.
The reason for that is that there is nothing in life that Helena hasn't seen or done. Everything she's learned to do she has taught herself.
She's street smart, wise, prudent, loyal, feisty, and delicate, too. After all she is a female. She may be tough but she still likes frilly, feminine things like lace trimmed dresses and lace shawls.
Helena kind of reminds me of the two old biddies from the movie "Gone With The Wind." You might see her walking down the street conversing with everyone and definitely letting them know her opinion on different subjects.
Of course, she's also the one you turn to when you need advice for you can always count on her. If Helena says she'll do something then she will.
“Helena” is a tough old bird and can handle anything that is thrown at her. There is nothing in life she hasn’t seen or done.
“Helena” is a
PROUD member of the “Gray Is Beautiful!” Club.
Magdalene is very much the Drama Queen and is always in need of her smelling salts. She'll faint at the drop of a hat.
Of course, it's all part of her act. She craves attention and wants everyone to constantly attend to her every need. In order to get everyone to pay attention she sighs, huffs, groans, and moans and will even faint for a second or two.
I don't know why but every time I look at her I think of King George. Maybe its her full head of very, very thick white curly hair with a speckle of gray and black intertwined.
Maybe it's because her hair reminds me of the wigs the British barrister's wear in court. Or, maybe, it's her outfit.
Magdalene has a mass of thick, white curly hair on her head with a bow in back. She has a cloth body with an embroidered face and is wearing the latest in fashion - a flounce dress with matching and visible bloomers.
Her dress is so big she requires assistance to get up from her chair. Of course, that doesn't bother Magdalene on bit. Her goal in life is to be waited on at all times."
Make room for "Magdalene - The Drama Queen!" She needs plenty of room and plenty of attention.
Susan is a big, big, big snob. Can't you tell that already?
She wants to be called "Susan Renee" and not just "Susan."
Well, whoop-de-do, I say!"
Susan, Oh, excuse me.... Susan Renee is extremely demanding, articulate, knowledgeable, well-read, wealthy and aggressive. She has a mind for business and knows where every penny of her fortune is.
And, if you want to inherit some of that then you have to earn it. Don't try to contradict her or disagree with her for "Susan Renee" is always right.
She wears her beautiful head of gray hair proudly. She has earned every gray hair on her head and is proud of it.
Susan Renee knows what she wants and, always, gets it. Her goal in life is to sit on the board of the top 5 Fortune 500 companies.
"Sweet Julianna! Sweet Julianna!" There should be a song about "Sweet Julianna."
Sweet Julianna is a sweet and shy young primitive woman. She doesn't want to intrude. She just wants to help where ever she can.
She loves cleaning, gardening, sewing, crafting, decorating and cooking. She's extremely creative and oh so clever.
She was "Martha Stewart" before Martha was.
Sweet Julianna is just the sweetest little thing. You can't help but love her. And, she has a head of the most gorgeous dark gray curly hair that you'd ever want to see. It is so thick that it is the envy of all her graying friends.
Her goal in life is to serve others and do a little crafting."
"Mabel - I Might!" can and "Mabel - I Might!" will. She is strong and she is able and is a PROUD member of the “Gray Is Beautiful!” Club.
"Mabel - I Might" has wild, dark gray hair and always reminds me of "Rosie - The Riveter" from the WWII commercials. You know, the one on all the posters wearing a bandanna and forging steel. There isn’t anything that Mabel can’t do.
Mabel is all ready in her denim overalls for her job at the steel factory. But, she thinks that just because she forges steel doesn't mean she can't wear fancy bloomers.
So what if they show below her overalls? You got a problem with that?
If you do, take my advice, and don't tell Mabel.
Why? Because there isn't anything Mabel can't do once she puts her mind to it.
In fact, she proudly boasts that anything a man can do she can do better. Well, there a few things Mabel might not be able to do because of sheer physical strength limitations but I'm not about to tell her that.
Are you kidding? She can bench press 350 pounds. She might just decide to knock my head off just to prove her point.
That's, okay, Mabel. We believe you.
"Blue Bell Sara" and her sorority sister "Swing Sweetly Annabelle" are two of the newest dolls from my "The Long Sleek Sitting Doll Series!"
Both are elegantly attired and ready for their afternoon walk.
"Blue Bell Sara" is wearing the finest in Victorian afternoon attire and is an elegant faceless Victorian doll who went prematurely gray. "Swing Sweetly Sara", on the other hand, is wearing her best Colonial attire for an afternoon stroll and has a beautifully embroidered and water colored face as well as a full head of burgundy colored hair.
Both dolls belong to the "Only Elegance Alpha Phi E" sorority as did both their mothers and several of their grandmothers before them. So, they really had no choice in the matter as it was wholly expected of them that they would join.
So, join they did and both are reporting that they are so happy to be part of such a wonderful and elegant sorority. Neither, in accordance with their sorority rules, will tell you what they've been up to though. It's a secret and only discussed amongst sorority members! The only thing they will say is that they have an upcoming event, which everyone will surely enjoy, but which they can't and won't talk about.
"Blue Bell Sara" knows she has some tall shoe's to fill in the "Only Elegance Alpha Phi E" sorority as her mother and some of her grandmother's were past presidents. However, she's not worried. She knows she is up to the task and, if elected president of the sorority, will have no problem fulfilling that role. After all, she is from an elegant line of long, sleek sitting dolls - isn't she?
I love "faceless" dolls as I believe that without their faces the doll's personality can speak for itself. You tend to look at the whole doll for her beauty versus just looking at her face.
There is a quiet beauty to "faceless" dolls and "Rebecca" is one of those quiet beauties. She is new doll from our "faceless" colonial boys & girls series.
She and her two friends, "Ursula At Play" and Ursula's brother, "Zacheus At Play!" are a tight knit group of boys and girls. They are all "faceless" colonial beauties who just love hanging out together. Rebecca is the most dignified of the group and the most studious.
Ursula and Zacheus are much more playful and love to tease each other as only "brothers & sisters" can. They pay attention to their studies, but when their done - well, they just love to play.
Whether it's the gentleness that surrounds her, the colors of her outfit, the way her hair is fashioned, or her intricate beauty Rebeca is a beautiful Colonial doll.
Rebecca's quiet beauty speaks to her quiet nature, gentle disposition, and inner grace. She is a beautiful, graceful, lady like Colonial doll.
"Grandma Aura May - On An Expedition!" is ready to go. She's been ready for over a year and is anxious to get started on her expedition with "Grandpa Lewis - On An Expedition!"
"Grandpa Lewis - On An Expedition!" isn't as anxious to go. He loves to please his wife, but is really more of a homebody and would prefer to stay home working on his coin and stamp collections.
Grandma Aurora May loves a good adventure and loves finding new places and new venues to explore. She'd rather spend all day looking for a great site for a picnic and always looks forward to their annual expedition to the beach.
Her main reason is that she loves to spend time with her grandchildren and loves cooking for them.
It's not that Grandpa Lewis doesn't love his grandchildren - he adores them. It's just he doesn't have a lot of patience for his grand children's boundless energy and "ants in their pants" inability to sit still. After one day at the beach with the grandchildren he's ready to go home.
Grandma Aurora May tells him to lighten up a bit. That's the way children are. Full of energy. Exploring everything. What's wrong with that?
Well, Grandpa Lewis doesn't mind enthusiasm and willingness to learn. He just can't stand little idle hands playing with the cherished coins in his coin collection and touching all the stamps in his stamp collection.
And he can't leave his collections at home while he's on a three month expedition to the beach. He'd go stir crazy without something to keep him occupied all that time.
Grandma Aurora May really does understand her husband and knows that she has to keep him happy or their won't be anymore expeditions to the beach. And, that she wouldn't be happy about.
So, each and every year she tells the grandchildren that Grandpa Lewis's stamp and coin collections are off limits.
Most of the time the grandchildren listen. Sometimes, however, there are those idle hands.......
"Grandma Aura May - On An Expedition!" is ready to go. She's been ready for over a year and is anxious to get started on her expedition with "Grandpa Lewis - On An Expedition!"
"Grandpa Lewis - On An Expedition!" isn't as anxious to go. He loves to please his wife, but is really more of a homebody and would prefer to stay home working on his coin and stamp collections.
Grandma Aurora May loves a good adventure and loves finding new places and new venues to explore. She'd rather spend all day looking for a great site for a picnic and always looks forward to their annual expedition to the beach.
Her main reason is that she loves to spend time with her grandchildren and loves cooking for them.
It's not that Grandpa Lewis doesn't love his grandchildren - he adores them. It's just he doesn't have a lot of patience for his grand children's boundless energy and "ants in their pants" inability to sit still. After one day at the beach with the grandchildren he's ready to go home.
Grandma Aurora May tells him to lighten up a bit. That's the way children are. Full of energy. Exploring everything. What's wrong with that?
Well, Grandpa Lewis doesn't mind enthusiasm and willingness to learn. He just can't stand little idle hands playing with the cherished coins in his coin collection and touching all the stamps in his stamp collection.
And he can't leave his collections at home while he's on a three month expedition to the beach. He'd go stir crazy without something to keep him occupied all that time.
Grandma Aurora May really does understand her husband and knows that she has to keep him happy or their won't be anymore expeditions to the beach. And, that she wouldn't be happy about. So, each and every year she tells the grandchildren that Grandpa Lewis's stamp and coin collections are off limits.
Most of the time the grandchildren listen. Sometimes, however, there are those idle hands.......
"Sweetheart Faith!" is just the sweetest snow-lady you'd ever want to meet. She just loves her life, loves being outside, and especially loves being in the garden.
Even though she's been growing flowers for decades she's still amazed by their beauty. There isn't a flower or plant that she can't identify or any flower or plant that she can't nurse back to health.
She has quite the "green thumb" for a snow-lady and is the envy of all the "ladies" in her Victorian gardening club. If you've got a gardening question - ask "Sweetheart Faith!"
Got a sick plant - give it to "Sweetheart Faith!" Need help designing your Victorian garden - ask "Sweetheart Faith!" Need a floral arrangement for a special occasion - ask "Sweetheart Faith!" to help you. Anything and everything floral - ask "Sweetheart Faith!"
"Petronella, The Birdhouse Lady!" is very concerned about her bird friends and their survival over the long, cold winter months.
In fact she is so concerned she asked her husband, "Doug, The Handy Dandy Gentleman!" to make her several birdhouses that she could put in the yarn to help her feathered friends.
The problem is that Petronella doesn't want just any birdhouses. She wants fancy Victorian birdhouses, with style and class. Lots of details and intricate molding.
Doug, on the other hand, doesn't want to invest so much time in making birdhouses that are just going to be destroyed by Petronella's fine feathered friends. He doesn't want to make them, but he loves to please Petronella.
"Petronella, The Birdhouse Lady!" is a 13" squared bottomed self-standing Victorian snow-lady warm & natural cloth doll. She has an embroidered face with black bead eyes, resin carrot nose, outline embroidered mouth, and blushed cheeks.
She has a full head of curly white mohair hair that is barely controlled under her lace trimmed and gathered bonnet.
She is wearing her favorite felt jacket with top stitching along all the edges, lined and bow decorated front pockets, and lace trimmed front panel edges. Her jacket is secured in the front with four buttons and two large fringed scarves are tied around her neck and then in a knot in the front.
She is also wearing a coordinated two tier lined cape with lined and raised collar.
"Petronella, The Birdhouse Lady!" knows how to take care of her feathered friends. Her problem is that she loves everything and anything Victorian and wants everything Doug makes to be of the finest material and finest workmanship. Even if it's only going to be used for her fine, feathered friends. They deserve quality, too!
"Petronella, The Birdhouse Lady!" is very concerned about her bird friends and their survival over the long, cold winter months.
In fact she is so concerned she asked her husband, "Doug, The Handy Dandy Gentleman!" to make her several birdhouses that she could put in the yarn to help her feathered friends.
The problem is that Petronella doesn't want just any birdhouses. She wants fancy Victorian birdhouses, with style and class. Lots of details and intricate molding.
Doug, on the other hand, doesn't want to invest so much time in making birdhouses that are just going to be destroyed by Petronella's fine feathered friends. He doesn't want to make them, but he loves to please Petronella.
"Laura, The Quintessential Lady Bunny!" was pacing around the house and couldn't wait for her husband, "Devin, A Bunny Gentleman", to get home.
You see, she was quite beside herself. She just couldn't understand what they hadn't received their invitation to join the "Victorian Animals Tea Society" that was started by "Bearly Victorian, Ryan" and his wife, "Bearly Victorian, Deb!" for all their wonderful Victorian animal friends.
After getting rejected for the umpteenth time from the latest Victorian tea society that he had applied to "Barely Victorian, Ryan!" decided that he and his wife should start their own club.
Their club would truly have an open membership and be accepting of all individuals and creatures. None of this "open to all", but really closed to animals rules. So what if Ryan and Deb were bears. They were still Victorian to the core. In fact, their lineage was probably older than some of the snooty Victorians who turned down their membership application.
Laura and Devin were not only "animals, but "old money" animals which meant they were the crème de la crème of the Victorian animal establishment. They were definitely eligible to join the "Victorian Animals Tea Society." So, why hadn't they received an invitation yet?
"Laura, The Quintessential Lady Bunny!" was pacing around the house and couldn't wait for her husband, "Devin, A Bunny Gentleman", to get home. He was working late tonight and wouldn't be home for a few hours. Laura wasn't sure she could wait that long.
You see, she was quite beside herself. She just couldn't understand what they hadn't received their invitation to join the "Victorian Animals Tea Society" that was started by "Bearly Victorian, Ryan" and his wife, "Bearly Victorian, Deb!" for all their wonderful Victorian animal friends.
After getting rejected for the umpteenth time from the latest Victorian tea society that he had applied to "Barely Victorian, Ryan!" decided that he and his wife should start their own club.
Their club would truly have an open membership and be accepting of all individuals and creatures. None of this "open to all", but really closed to animals rules. So what if Ryan and Deb were bears. They were still Victorian to the core. In fact, their lineage was probably older than some of the snooty Victorians who turned down their membership application.
Laura and Devin were not only "animals, but "old money" animals which meant they were the crème de la crème of the Victorian animal establishment. They were definitely eligible to join the "Victorian Animals Tea Society." So, why hadn't they received an invitation yet?
Copyright © 2004 - 2023 - All Rights Reserved - Designed and Written By Linda Walsh