Back in 2008 I received a request from a customer asking if I would consider making a special order item for them. Now, I don't normally do special orders, but my customer wanted a graduation doll and both of my were sold out.
I told my customer that they could make either my "Anna" or my "James" graduation doll as both patterns and e-patterns were available. Well, for my customer, that was not an option as they did not sew and they already had a 20" doll. What they really wanted was a graduation cap & gown to fit their 20" doll.
So, what to do? My customer pleaded with me to "please" consider a special order request and make them a graduation cap and gown for a 20" doll. After much discussion I finally agreed and made them the black graduation cap & gown you see in the picture above.
Since I had already created the pattern pieces in order to make the graduation cap and gown I figured I might as well create the e-pattern to go along with the pattern pieces. My customer was happy with their gown and I ended up with a new e-pattern.
As it turns out, it was one of my best selling e-patterns because it was easily adjusted and used to make all sorts of graduation caps and gowns for various size dolls, bears, centerpieces at graduation parties, etc.
Over the years so many of my customers have shared the gowns they made with me. Some were created for graduation caps and gowns while others were created for supreme court justices, like Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I loved seeing all the creations and loved that one of my e-patterns brought joy to someone else.
Well, 13 years later I closed my e-pattern business and Etsy shop as I wanted to downsize and semi-retire. So, I decided it was time to pay it forward and make this e-pattern free for everyone to enjoy.
I hope you all have a delightful time making your graduation cap and gown.
To view and download my free e-pattern please CLICK HERE. You'll be brought to Google Drive where you can view my free e-book. Then just download my free .pdf e-book by clicking on the down arrow in the top center.
For more information on all my free e-patterns, e-printables and e-books please CLICK HERE.
Please respect My Terms of Use: All patterns, e-patterns, printables, e-printables, e-books, graphics, tutorials, how-to's, articles and other e-products © 2004-2023 Linda Walsh Originals-Designs by Linda Walsh. All rights reserved. Commercial selling or reselling by any means prohibited without the written consent of Linda Walsh.
Patterns, e-patterns, printables, e-printables, e-books, graphics, tutorials, how-to's, articles and other e-products are for personal use only. You may not modify, photocopy, download, upload, post, transmit, display, perform, publish, license, reprint, create derivative works from, mass duplicate, re-sell, digitize, and reproduce in any other form (print, digital or electric) or commercially apply, embed, share, Email, or redistribution in any other means. Use of any of the above is prohibited without the written permission of Linda Walsh.
Patterns, e-patterns, printables, e-printables, e-books, graphics, tutorials, how-to's, articles and other e-products are for personal use only. You may not modify, photocopy, download, upload, post, transmit, display, perform, publish, license, reprint, create derivative works from, mass duplicate, re-sell, digitize, and reproduce in any other form (print, digital or electric) or commercially apply, embed, share, Email, or redistribution in any other means. Use of any of the above is prohibited without the written permission of Linda Walsh.
However, you may link to my website(s)/blog(s) and the individual page(s)/blog post(s) (including 1 picture) but do not copy, reprint or duplicate my website(s)/blog(s) or individual page(s)/post(s ) without my permission.
Items made from Linda Walsh Originals E-Patterns and E-Books are intended for personal use for fun or small scale personal and business profit as long as you credit us with the design. Large scale commercial use (i.e. mass production) of items made from Linda Walsh Originals E-Patterns are by permission only.
Please see my Terms and Conditions for additional information.
Copyright © 2004 - 2023 - All Rights Reserved - Written By Linda Walsh of Linda Walsh Originals and Linda's Blog. Linda is a doll maker and doll pattern designer.
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