Cookie Art by Czerina
The past few weeks I'm been perusing YouTube for video's on creating cookie art. If you don't know what cookie art is it's a popular medium now for creating little works of art on cookies. The new cookie art takes all sorts of different forms with some being elaborately painted on or molded on using all sorts of frosting or piping gel.
It used to be that you'd use cookie cutters to cut out your cookie shape and then add sprinkles or icing to the top. Well, cookie artisans have taken that to a whole new level.
In perusing YouTube I found one such cookie artist, Czerina, who creates all sorts of drawings on cookies including Precious Moments designs, like those shown in the picture above and who has several video's on YouTube, like the one Precious Moments one shown below, that demonstrate how she created her design.
I couldn't help but think how our beloved "Kim" would have loved doing this. She loved Precious Moments figurines and, I know, would have loved spending hours creating little cookie works of art.
I can recall standing in Kim's kitchen in March of 2000 creating chocolate Easter candy for the kids using the different candy molds I had. We melted both dark and white chocolate in the microwave and poured the melted chocolate into the candy molds. Then we put the molds in the freezer for a few minutes.
While waiting for the chocolate to harden in the molds we wanted to use we melted white chocolate in ten little containers that we added food coloring to in order to create different colors of chocolate to decorate our candy with. Instead of using a paint brushes we were using toothpicks to create the designs on the molded chocolate shapes.
As you can imagine, using toothpicks to decorate takes a little while. As a result, we spent several hours over a four day period to create our little works of art.
Kim was a very talented artist who was very meticulous in her designs and could work on her creations for hours on end until she had achieved the perfection she wanted. Candy decorating was no exception and I know she thoroughly enjoyed creating her little candy works of art.
With everything else going on in her life at the time I was always happy for her when she had brief periods where she could escape from her current reality and enjoy what she was doing. Creating her little works of art and showing them off put a smile on her beautiful face and, for that, I was thankful.
If she were here with us today I know she would love not only creating "Precious Moments" works of art on cookies, but I know she would love creating all the elaborately decorated cookie works of art that are being created nowadays. And, given her artistic talent, her cookies would have been unbelievable works of art and way too beautiful to eat.
In fact, my guess would be that she would have perfected her food art to include cookies, cupcakes, and even cakes. And, I know, she would have been exceptional at all three.
Those we Love remain with us,
For Love itself lives on.
Cherished memories never fade,
because a loved one is gone.
Those we love can never be,
more than a thought apart.
For as long as there is memory,
They'll live on in our heart.
Author Unknown
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