If you love making Victorian Christmas caroling cloth dolls then you're going to love our “Caroling Time, Jim and I Love Carols, Penny” dolls.

"Caroling Time, Jim" and his family look forward to the caroling season every year. In fact, it is their favorite time of the year. It's so joyous and so festive and Jim and his family are good singers. Truth be told - they practice several times over the course of the year. They enjoy singing together and enjoy caroling from house to house. And, truth be told - they're really good at it. Jim, and Katie, and John get so into caroling that they lose track of time. Penny, on the other hand never loses track of time. She loves the holiday season and loves to carol, too. But, it's such a busy time of the year for her that when it comes time to carol she has 100 other things on her mind. So, sometimes, she appears to be a little angry. But, that's not really what she is. She's harried. She loves to carol, but she's harried. And, she loves spending time with Jim and the kids. They can really get into it and sing their hearts out. It's just that with so many things to do.....
"Caroling Time, Jim" really enjoys spending this time with his family. It is their special time of the year and he really looks forward to it. However, he wishes it weren't as hectic a time of the year for his wife, Penny, as he wishes she could enjoy caroling with them. He knows she does - it's just that she has 100 other things on her mind. So, Jim makes sure that he pays extra special attention to Penny and the kids so they all have a great time caroling. If Penny is having such a good time - maybe she won't be thinking of all the other things she needs to do. Maybe, but unlikely. In any event, "Caroling Time, Jim" will try his best. "Here we go a caroling..............."
"Caroling Time, Jim" is a 13" squared bottomed self-standing Victorian caroler cloth doll. He has a 1/2 muslin body and 1/2 denim body. His face is embroidered and he has water colored blue eyes, rosy cheeks, and a shaded nose. His eyebrows are embroidered as are his eyelashes. His mouth is open and embroidered and water colored red. He is sporting an auburn mustache and gold embroidered glasses.. Jim has a mass of thick curly bubble doll hair all over his head that is barely controlled under his lined hat. He is wearing his favorite brown denim outfit with coordinating shirt, lining, bowtie, and hat. His short is brown check and gathered at the neck and matches the bowtie under his chin. The lining of his jacket matches his shirt and bowtie. His jacket is lined, double breasted with 4 buttons, has two flap pockets in the front, a collar, and top stitching along all the edges. He is carrying his favorite caroling book.
Caroling Time Jim Handmade Victorian Gentleman Caroler Art Doll

"Caroling Time, Jim" and his family look forward to the caroling season every year. In fact, it is their favorite time of the year. It's so joyous and so festive and Jim and his family are good singers. Truth be told - they practice several times over the course of the year. They enjoy singing together and enjoy caroling from house to house. And, truth be told - they're really good at it. Jim, and Katie, and John get so into caroling that they lose track of time. Penny, on the other hand never loses track of time. She loves the holiday season and loves to carol, too. But, it's such a busy time of the year for her that when it comes time to carol she has 100 other things on her mind. So, sometimes, she appears to be a little angry. But, that's not really what she is. She's harried. She loves to carol, but she's harried. And, she loves spending time with Jim and the kids. They can really get into it and sing their hearts out. It's just that with so many things to do.....
"Caroling Time, Jim" really enjoys spending this time with his family. It is their special time of the year and he really looks forward to it. However, he wishes it weren't as hectic a time of the year for his wife, Penny, as he wishes she could enjoy caroling with them. He knows she does - it's just that she has 100 other things on her mind. So, Jim makes sure that he pays extra special attention to Penny and the kids so they all have a great time caroling. If Penny is having such a good time - maybe she won't be thinking of all the other things she needs to do. Maybe, but unlikely. In any event, "Caroling Time, Jim" will try his best. "Here we go a caroling..............."
"I Love Carols, Penny" is a 12" squared bottomed self-standing Victorian caroler cloth doll. She has a muslin body and embroidered face. She has a muslin body and embroidered face. She has brown embroidered eyes, gold shaded eyelids, rosy cheeks, and a shaded nose. Her eyebrows are embroidered as are her eyelashes. Her mouth is open and embroidered and water colored red. I Love Carols, Penny has a mass of thick curly burgundy colored bubbles doll hair all over her head that is barely controlled under her bonnet. Her lined bonnet has an extra large brim to keep the cold and bad weather out and Penny is thankful for that. Penny has two layers of lace trim along the lower part of her body. She is wearing her favorite slip with lace overslip that is gathered at the waist. Her green dress has gathered sleeves with lace trim and a gathered lace trim bottom. It is gathered along the neck edge and decorated along the neck edge with lace trim. Her wool felt cape is lined and two-tiered to keep out the cold. Penny's cape is wrapped around her shoulders and tied in a knot in the front. She is carrying her favorite caroling book.

I Love Carols, Penny Handmade Victorian Caroling Doll
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