If you love making softie cloth dolls then you're going to love our “Penelope Pinhead Hawk, Dapper Devil Shamus Hawk and Ditsy Daisy Hawk” 3 in 1 combo e-pattern.
The "Egg Muff's" are a fun loving group of dolls that love to sneak around and maybe, every once in awhile, drop in unexpectedly. And,Toni E. Hawk and her brother, Tom A. Hawk, are the most fun loving of the group. You might find then peaking around a corner, peaking over the windowsill, peaking through a keyhole in a door, or sneaking into your room. You just never know.
Sometimes you might just catch a glimpse of their eyes and hair as they try to sneak a peak. If you listen carefully, you might even hear them laughing, even chuckling away. Sometimes you might even catch them doing a little jig. You just never know what they may do. They love to laugh. They love to have fun. But, most of all they love to play hide and peak!
No, not hide and seek! Hide and peak!
The 3rd, 4th and 5th oldest children (shown in the picture above) are Ditsy Daisy, Dapper Devil Shamus, and Penelope Pinhead. Ditsy Daisy Hawk is the 3rd oldest and most assuredly the most "ditsy" of all the Hawk's. The 4th oldest is Dapper Devil Shamus Hawk and he is, well, a bit of a devil. He has a wicked sense of humor - in true Hawk fashion. The 5th oldest is Penelope Pinhead Hawk and she is every bit as lovely as as she is a pinhead. Common sense is not in her vocabulary.
The 5th oldest of the Hawk children is Penelope Pinhead Hawk and she is every bit as lovely as as she is a pinhead. Common sense is not in her vocabulary. She tries very hard to keep up with her older brothers and sisters but just can't keep up. Truth be told she's rather be reading a fashion magazine than playing pranks on everyone.
Penelope Pinhead Hawk is an 7" squared bottomed self-standing wool felt softie doll. She has a 1/2 white felt and 1/2 peach felt body. Her face is outlined and embroidered and she has large satin stitched eyes. Her nose is straight and embroidered as is her mouth, eyelashes and eyebrows. She has peach blushed cheeks.
Penelope Pinhead Hawk has a mass of curly blonde hair of the top of her pin head with the back of her head left bald. She is wearing her favorite light pink felt shirt with matching felt collar and favorite peach felt vest. A matching light peach felt bow looks lovely under her chin. She has a light peach felt bow on the top back of her head.
Penelope Pinhead Hawk's lack of common sense can get her into trouble at times. Luckily, she's as charming as she is lovely. When she turns no the charm you'll do anything for her.
To view and download my free e-pattern please
CLICK HERE. You'll be brought to Google Drive where you can view my free e-pattern. Then just download my free .pdf e-pattern by clicking on the down arrow in the top center.
Once my e-product is downloaded to your computer you can save it and print it. I hope you enjoy my free e-product.
The 4th oldest is Dapper Devil Shamus Hawk and he is, well, a bit of a devil. He has a wicked sense of humor - in true Hawk fashion. So, he has no problem holding his won with the twins - Tom A. Hawk and Toni E. Hawk.
Dapper Devil Shamus Hawk is an 8" squared bottomed self-standing wool felt softie doll. He has a 1/2 white felt and 1/2 dark blue felt body. His face is outlined and embroidered and he has cunning satin stitched eyes. His nose is pointy and embroidered as is his mouth, eyelashes and eyebrows. He has orange blushed cheeks.
Unlike his brother, Tom A. Hawk, Dapper Devil Shamus Hawk has a modified Mohawk style for his bright orange hair. He is wearing his favorite lime green Irish shirt with dark blue felt collar and favorite light blue felt vest. A matching dark blue felt bow-tie just adds style to his debonair-re outfit.
Dapper Devil Shamus Hawk can definitely hold his own in the Hawk family. He's a Hawk, he's Irish, and he's definitely a rascal. Perhaps the biggest Hawk rascal of all.
To view and download my free e-pattern please
CLICK HERE. You'll be brought to Google Drive where you can view my free e-pattern. Then just download my free .pdf e-pattern by clicking on the down arrow in the top center.
Once my e-product is downloaded to your computer you can save it and print it. I hope you enjoy my free e-product.
Ditsy Daisy Hawk is the 3rd oldest of the 11 children in the Hawk family and most assuredly the "ditsiest" of all the Hawk's eleven children. You can hardly blame her given she was born after the twins - Tom A. Hawk and Toni E. Hawk. Growing up just behind those mischievous two was anything but easy. For a long time she bore the brunt of their jokes.
Ditsy Daisy Hawk is an 8" squared bottomed self-standing wool felt softie doll. She has a 1/2 white felt and 1/2 dark purple felt body. Her face is outlined and embroidered and she has large satin stitched eyes. Her nose is pointy and embroidered as is her mouth, eyelashes and eyebrows. She has pink blushed cheeks.
Ditsy Daisy Hawk has a mass of burgundy hair along the side seams of her head with the back of her head left bald. She is wearing her favorite light purple felt shirt with matching felt collar and favorite light pink felt vest. A matching light pink felt bow looks wonderful under her chin. She has four light pink bows in her hair.
Ditsy Daisy Hawk has had more than her fair share of pranks pulled on her by her older siblings and was ecstatic when she learned she was going to have a younger brother. Little did she know what a rascal he would be.
To view and download my free e-pattern please
CLICK HERE. You'll be brought to Google Drive where you can view my free e-pattern. Then just download my free .pdf e-pattern by clicking on the down arrow in the top center.
Once my e-product is downloaded to your computer you can save it and print it. I hope you enjoy my free e-product.
To view and download my free e-pattern please
CLICK HERE. You'll be brought to Google Drive where you can view my free e-pattern. Then just download my free .pdf e-pattern by clicking on the down arrow in the top center.
Once my e-product is downloaded to your computer you can save it and print it. I hope you enjoy my free e-products.
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Items made from Linda Walsh Originals E-Patterns are intended for personal use for fun or small scale personal and business profit as long as you credit us with the design. Large scale commercial use (i.e. mass production) of items made from Linda Walsh Originals E-Patterns are by permission only.
Copyright © 2004 - 2023 - All Rights Reserved - Written By Linda Walsh of Linda Walsh Originals and Linda's Blog. Linda is a doll maker and doll pattern designer.