So, my grandmother is, once again, to blame for my love of beautiful dresses. Of course, she's to blame for my love of Victorian dresses so it's no surprise she would be to blame for the little girl dresses as well. If you're been a long time reader of my Linda's Blog you know that I've written about my granddaughters' little girl dresses before - HERE.
When I started designing patterns and fabrics my love of dresses crept in. I had to design some little girl dress craft patterns and had to design dress fabrics as well. This led to cut and sew dress fabrics and cut and sew dress embellished ornaments. As you can see dresses have been a big part of my crafts for a long time.
Several years ago I saw a tutorial for making a dress form and was intrigued. Not only did I think it was a great way to showcase a beautiful dress, but how fabulous it would be to just embellish the dress form itself. After that my mind started thinking of all sorts of beautiful ways to create dress forms and, best of all, embellish them.
I fell in love with dress forms of every style, shape, and size and, as a result, wanted to make all of them. That's impossible so I'll just have to be satisfied with making a few. When I do I hope these tutorials, video's and how-to's will help me create beautiful dress forms.
If you love my Dress Form Tutorials, Video's and How-To's board please follow my board by clicking on the link above.
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