What is it they say? "A little rain never hurt anyone!" Well, that's true as far as I'm concerned as a little rain today allowed me extra time to finish my crazy quilt purse.
If you've been following along with the posts on my Linda's Blog you know that I've been taking my very first online class with Pat Winter on Artful Gathering. The class is called Crazy Quilting 101 and I have LOVED every minute of the class. Pat is such a fantastic teacher. I only wish I had taken one of her classes years ago.
My head is filled with all sorts of ideas for crazy quilting creations that I can make and, maybe, give as Xmas presents this year. Who knows! My head is spinning.
What I do know is that I LOVE crazy quilting and may have found a new passion.
Does that mean I'm giving up of dolls, Victorian fashions, silk florals, history and everything else I LOVE. Of course not! It just means I'm going to find a way to combine everything I love. That means I may be creating crazy quilting things related to Victorian dolls or florals. Maybe a little genealogy? You never know.

I ended up lining and finishing my purse with some addition iron-on interfacing being added to the lining material as well. So, both the lining pieces and the front and back pieces ended up with iron-on interfacing on them. The front actually ended up with two iron-on interface pieces.
I'm also thinking that I'm going to sew two large snaps to the inside top of my purse to hold the top closed. That way no one can just reach in and steal my belongings. Not that I'd put anything in it worthy of stealing! Well, Chapstick maybe!
I'm really pleased with the way my purse came out. Definitely looks Victorian which is certainly right up my alley. I may just have to keep my beautiful blue purse. I'm such a bad sister!