I just Love the Victorian era for all it's wonderful fashions, but not for all it's rules of etiquette. A couple of years ago I posted several articles on my Linda's Blog concerning Victorian Traditions and Victorian Etiquette. In re-reading some of them I thought you might like to read some of them, too.
Here's my post concerning Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
Have fun shopping or keying! LOL LOL
Today is the biggest shopping day of the year. The day after Thanksgiving, the traditional start of the holiday shopping season. Plus, Monday is the biggest shopping day of the year for Internet sales. Given that, I thought it might be fun to take a look at some of the Victorian rules of etiquette for shopping to see if they could be applied to today.
According to the Logicmgmt.com website Victorian Shopping Etiquette is as follows:
1) In visiting a store for the purpose of examining the goods or making purchases, conduct yourself with courtesy and amiability. That's always a good idea. Not always practical. Especially when there are only 5 of the latest toy and there are 100 parents waiting in line for hours.
2) Never look over goods without any intention of buying them. Are you kidding? That's the only way to tell if there's an imperfection.
3) Speak to the clerks and employees of the store with courtesy and kindness. Do not order them to show you anything. Request them to do so in a polite manner. In leaving their counter, say pleasantly "Good morning" or "Good Day". It's always a good idea to have manners and treat others with respect. However, if the store clerk is not paying attention to their job or is yacking on the phone with a friend you have the right to speak up.
4) Never take a costly piece of goods -- nor any piece -- into a better light without first asking the clerk's permission to do so. This rule has been changed to "IF YOU BREAK IT-IT'S YOURS!"
5) Should you find another person examining a piece of goods, do not take hold of it. Wait until it is laid down, and then make your examination. This rule definitely was written before they started having the mad rush of bridal gowns on sale at "Macy's" or the last minute rush at Christmas by the parents trying to get their child the "IT" toy of the season.
6) To attempt to "beat down" the price of an article is rude. In the best conducted stores the price of the goods is "fixed", and the salesmen are not allowed to change it. If the price does not suit you, you are not obliged to buy, but can go elsewhere. Didn't the Victorians barter? I bet car salesmen would love to have this rule nowadays.
7) Pushing or crowding at a counter, or the indulgence in personal remarks, handling the goods in a careless manner, or so roughly as to injure them, lounging upon the counter, or talking in a loud voice, are marks of bad breeding. What? The Victorians never experienced the mad rush of last minute shoppers. That's part of the fun.
8) Never let the door of a shop slam in the face of any person, nor permit a stranger to hold it open without any acknowledgement of courtesy. That's just plain rude, but I've seen it happen.
9) Never express your opinion about an article another is purchasing, unless asked to do so. If an item is defective and you know it, then I would think someone would appreciate knowing it. However, don't be surprised if you hear "Who asked you?"
10) You should never ask or expect a clerk waiting upon a customer to leave that person and attend to you. Wait patiently for your turn. A universal rule of shopping that some people do ignore. When they do look out. Talk about "road rage." That's nothing compared to "shopping rage!"
11) It is rude to make unfavorable comparisons between the goods you are examining, and those of another store.Doesn't apply to today. Nowadays with stores all matching their competitors lowest price you'd be a fool not to speak up.
12) Have your parcels sent and so avoid the fatigue of carrying them. Ah, there was a time when stores did this for you. Not anymore. Here's where a foldable shopping carts comes in handy.
I think they forgot a rule. Rule #13) Always let you personal shopper do the walking. You've got better things to do. If you don't have a personal shopper then go on to Rule #14) Always do your shopping in your jammies. Let your fingers do the walking over your keyboard and let the Internet be your guide. Personally, the latter is the best wait to shop.
So, on Monday while you're out there Internet shopping please don't forget to visit our Linda Walsh Originals website. We have a lot of wonderful doll patterns, "instant download e-patterns", and tons of handmade dolls & crafts for sale. Plus, we follow Rule #12 and send your parcels to you. See, and you thought chivalry was dead!
If you decide to venture out into the wide, mad rush of holiday shoppers please BE SAFE!
Happy shopping to all.
And, remember the most important rule of shopping is - SHOP TIL YOU DROP or your fingers do!
Here's my post concerning Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
Have fun shopping or keying! LOL LOL
Today is the biggest shopping day of the year. The day after Thanksgiving, the traditional start of the holiday shopping season. Plus, Monday is the biggest shopping day of the year for Internet sales. Given that, I thought it might be fun to take a look at some of the Victorian rules of etiquette for shopping to see if they could be applied to today.
According to the Logicmgmt.com website Victorian Shopping Etiquette is as follows:
1) In visiting a store for the purpose of examining the goods or making purchases, conduct yourself with courtesy and amiability. That's always a good idea. Not always practical. Especially when there are only 5 of the latest toy and there are 100 parents waiting in line for hours.
2) Never look over goods without any intention of buying them. Are you kidding? That's the only way to tell if there's an imperfection.
3) Speak to the clerks and employees of the store with courtesy and kindness. Do not order them to show you anything. Request them to do so in a polite manner. In leaving their counter, say pleasantly "Good morning" or "Good Day". It's always a good idea to have manners and treat others with respect. However, if the store clerk is not paying attention to their job or is yacking on the phone with a friend you have the right to speak up.
4) Never take a costly piece of goods -- nor any piece -- into a better light without first asking the clerk's permission to do so. This rule has been changed to "IF YOU BREAK IT-IT'S YOURS!"
5) Should you find another person examining a piece of goods, do not take hold of it. Wait until it is laid down, and then make your examination. This rule definitely was written before they started having the mad rush of bridal gowns on sale at "Macy's" or the last minute rush at Christmas by the parents trying to get their child the "IT" toy of the season.
6) To attempt to "beat down" the price of an article is rude. In the best conducted stores the price of the goods is "fixed", and the salesmen are not allowed to change it. If the price does not suit you, you are not obliged to buy, but can go elsewhere. Didn't the Victorians barter? I bet car salesmen would love to have this rule nowadays.
7) Pushing or crowding at a counter, or the indulgence in personal remarks, handling the goods in a careless manner, or so roughly as to injure them, lounging upon the counter, or talking in a loud voice, are marks of bad breeding. What? The Victorians never experienced the mad rush of last minute shoppers. That's part of the fun.
8) Never let the door of a shop slam in the face of any person, nor permit a stranger to hold it open without any acknowledgement of courtesy. That's just plain rude, but I've seen it happen.
9) Never express your opinion about an article another is purchasing, unless asked to do so. If an item is defective and you know it, then I would think someone would appreciate knowing it. However, don't be surprised if you hear "Who asked you?"
10) You should never ask or expect a clerk waiting upon a customer to leave that person and attend to you. Wait patiently for your turn. A universal rule of shopping that some people do ignore. When they do look out. Talk about "road rage." That's nothing compared to "shopping rage!"
11) It is rude to make unfavorable comparisons between the goods you are examining, and those of another store.Doesn't apply to today. Nowadays with stores all matching their competitors lowest price you'd be a fool not to speak up.
12) Have your parcels sent and so avoid the fatigue of carrying them. Ah, there was a time when stores did this for you. Not anymore. Here's where a foldable shopping carts comes in handy.
I think they forgot a rule. Rule #13) Always let you personal shopper do the walking. You've got better things to do. If you don't have a personal shopper then go on to Rule #14) Always do your shopping in your jammies. Let your fingers do the walking over your keyboard and let the Internet be your guide. Personally, the latter is the best wait to shop.
So, on Monday while you're out there Internet shopping please don't forget to visit our Linda Walsh Originals website. We have a lot of wonderful doll patterns, "instant download e-patterns", and tons of handmade dolls & crafts for sale. Plus, we follow Rule #12 and send your parcels to you. See, and you thought chivalry was dead!
If you decide to venture out into the wide, mad rush of holiday shoppers please BE SAFE!
Happy shopping to all.
And, remember the most important rule of shopping is - SHOP TIL YOU DROP or your fingers do!