Monday, June 11, 2007

An Obsession With Brothers and Sisters! No Way!

My husband thinks I have an obsession. Then again, he thinks I have many obsessions. My primary being dolls and doll making. My secondary begin genealogy, my third being books, and my fourth being floral design. He wishes I had an obsession with housecleaning.

He told me this while moving my books, yet again, from one bookcase to another yesterday. You see, my brother had made me some more bookcases for my doll and craft books and I wanted to get them all sorted and organized by category. I know that does sound obsessive.

In any event along with my obsession with books he told me he thinks I have an obsession with "brothers & sisters!" I asked them why he thought that and he said, "Just look at ALL 200+ of the dolls you just made and tell me how many of your NEW dolls and soon to be doll e-patterns are "brothers & sisters." So, I of course, went to count and prove him wrong. I hadn't made that many NEW "brothers & sisters" - or had I?

Well, I started to count. YIKES! The number was getting up there. I started to move backwards and, of course, backed right into hubby.

He stood there with a look I know you all are familiar with. It says "told you so!" without even saying so. My response, which I sure is your response too, was a look that said "SO! So what!"

He just smiled and left the room. He was satisfied he was right - once again.

To my obsession I say, "So what! I come from a big family. I have 3 brothers and 1 sister, 3 sisters-in-law, and 1 brother-in-law. That's a LOT of brothers and sisters don't you think? Just one BIG happy family. Maybe that's why my doll creations reflect so many brothers and sisters.

However, I know it has to do primarily with my older brother and I. You see we are "Irish twins." He's 10 months older than I and I never have known a time without him. We were like "two peas in a pod" growing up. He, of course, always got me in trouble. I would have been the "perfect" child if it wasn't for him. I can hear my Mother reading this now. "Yeah, sure, Linda! Guess again," she'd say "dream on!"

In any event I figure my obsession isn't necessarily about "brothers & sisters" as it is about "pairs." For every "ying" there's a "yang." After all I do have quite a few NEW "Grandma's & Grandpa's," too. And, don't forget the NEW "Husbands & Wives." PAIRS! I'm obsessed with pairs.

In thinking about my NEW doll pattern designs I began to wonder if I was going to have a problem with my existing groups of "Brothers & Sisters", "Grandma's and Grandpa's", and "Husband's and Wives." So, I thought I'd be preemptive and showcase these three groups of doll patterns and handmade dolls & crafts before I had a "dollie" riot coming out of "The Dollie Storage Room!"

The dolls won't have anything to complain about if I showcase them before I promote my new doll designs and new handmade dolls. After all, I'm still a few months away from finishing all my new designs so there's plenty of time for showcasing everyone else now. Wouldn't you agree? I hope the "dollies" do?

Stay tuned.....

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