As you know from my previous blog post in September of 2021 I wrote a Linda's Blog post about how I had made the "Putz" chipboard beach house kits I had bought from AgedWithThyme Etsy Shop. Along with posting about the kits I also posted a little about what "Putz" houses were. You know how I love history.... lol

I decided to start with the two fall houses as it had a larger saltbox colonial kit which looked very similar to our home with a few exceptions.

The photo above shows the left hand side of the house.
Well, I so enjoyed making the beach houses so much I decided to make more of the "Putz" house kits I had bought. There were 10 kits left so I decided to make one a haunted house for Halloween and two houses for the Fall season.
The remaining 7 would be for the Christmas and Winter holiday season. Some of the kits were larger homes 3" x 2" by 4" and some were tiny 2" x 2" by 2" houses, which would be perfect as ornaments for the Christmas holiday season.
I selected the haunted house and fall houses I wanted to use and set the other 7 house kits aside.

After finishing my two Fall houses I set my sites on my spooky mixed media collage Halloween house.
I had also decided to use a pine rectangle board as the base for this house as well as it would make my house a little sturdier and instead of painting the top of the wood base I would use paper scrapboard to collage the top side and chose an orange colored paper with black spider images alll over it. The remaining sides and bottom would be painted dark brown.
For this house I used a separate chipboard front door alcove and two chipboard dormers. I opted to paint all the sides and window frames of the house with dark purple acrylic paint but paper collage the roof of the front door alcove and roof of the two dormer windows. I would be painting the main house roof with a dark metallic acrylic paint.
As this was meant to be a spooky Halloween house I decided to paint the front door alcove, sides of the two dormers, and chimney with the dark purple metallic acrylic paint as well. I chose a black and white check scrapbook paper for the front door alcove roof and two dormer roofs.
After gluing the roofs for the chipboard front door alcove and two chipboard dormers I then glued the bottom of the house to my wood base and proceeded to add the mixed media embellishments.
Instead of using a chipboard fence for the edges around my pine rectangle base board I decided to use strips of a Halloween scrapboard paper cat border I had found as the border for my base. After sizing it for fit I glued it to my wood base.
The embellishments I had in mind included some of my paper scrapboard paper, paper images and sticker images from my Linda Walsh Originals Zazzle shop.
They also included mixed media fringe in two different colors, paper and wire floral, silk floral flowers, and a ton of Halloween scrapbook paper graphic images and sayings that I thought would be perfect for my spooky house.
Once I was happy with the graphic images I had glued on I used a black stabilo pencil to blend in the edges of some of the graphics I had used.
It took a little while to create my spooky house but I was really pleased with it when I was done.
Here's how it turned out:

I was really pleased with my mixed media Halloween spooky house and hope you like it too.
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