I had just come home from visiting my Mom in the hospital and decided to unwind by reading a few of my favorite blogs.
When I started reading Kats "Designs By Kat Lees" blog I was totally taken by surprise. And, what a wonderful surprise it was. Kat had nominated me for a "Nice Matters" award. I was truly touched, honored, and humbled. She had turned what had been a difficult day into a wonderful day and I am grateful to her for having done so. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Kat.
So, now I need to nominate 5 people who qualify for being nice to other people. All of my choices are caring, loving, and very creative individuals and I hope you will agree that they, too, deserve the "Nice Matters" award. I hope you get a chance to visit their websites and/or blogs.
My Mom "Joy" - I have to deviate a little from the rules of the award and nominate my mom. She doesn't have a website or blog, but she is the one who told me that you should always treat everyone as you wish to be treated. To be kind, caring, loving, compassionate, and always willing to lend a hand is the way you should be. I hope I've met her expectations.
Annie Kelly - In A Pickle Web Design, Folkart Square, and Pattern Central
Annie is one of the kindest, most compassionate, loving and giving people that I know. She has been so helpful and instrumental in offering me advice, suggestions, and ideas for my online business that I cannot thank her enough. Whenever I had a question or needed advice Annie was always there to lend a hand or offer a suggestion. Annie is truly "the BEST" when it comes to helping her family, friends, and her customers.
Her "In A Pickle Web Design" is a full service "Web Design & Development" website offering design services, hosting services, a la carte graphics, and marketing tools.
Folkart Square is an online marketplace for folkart and primitive lovers.
Pattern Central offers e-patterns, print patterns, and craft supplies from some of the best crafters on the web.
Denise Bailey (aka NeeNee - The Krazy Kraft Lady) - KKL Primitives, The Krazy Kraft Lady Blog, KKL Kreations, KKL Kreations Blog, KKL Primitives Blog, KKL Graphics
Neenee is a wonderful, wonderful lady. She is loving, caring, and always gives from her heart. Neenee is a true friend and has been there to help support and encourage me during the last few difficult weeks with my Mom's hospitalization. I am truly blessed to have Neenee as a friend.
She is also a very talented graphic artist, doll maker, primitive crafter, blogger, and now a craft pattern designer. Neenee may just surpass me in the number of blogs and websites that she has created. I may just have to turn my "Blogging Queen" crown over to her.
KKL Primitives is Neenee's main website and sells raggedies, nodders, shelfsitters, ornies, make-dos, prim shutters and more -all made by Neenee.
KKL Kreations is Neenee's graphics website. Here she sells primitive & country style graphics for personal and for business use.
Neenee's latest ventures include "personalized graphics" and primitive e-patterns. I am Neenee's #1 fan and ordered some of the most wonderful "personalized graphics" for some of my dolls and as gifts for my grandchildren this Christmas.
Rochelle - Cinna-Minnies, Cinna-minnies Blog
I just met Rochelle a few weeks ago, but in those few weeks she has been so kind, loving, and compassionate that I feel she truly deserves this award. She and Neenee have lent me unbelievable support and encouragement during the last few weeks with my Mother's hospitalization. I cannot thank Rochelle enough.
Rochelle and her husband, John, have run Cinna-Minnies since August of 2001. According to Rochelle: "I have purposely kept my business small so that I can maintain the quality of our Cinna-Minnies™ Collectibles. Part of the charm and attraction to our customers is the fact that all of our dolls, ornaments and home decor items are handmade by a real Mom and Pop operation . . . truly a dying breed these day." I couldn't agree more, Rochelle.
Joanne FaJack (aka Josie and/or Silly Goose) - My Primitive Home
She is known as Joanne, but I call her Josie. I met Josie a few years ago in one of my online forums. Josie is one of the most thoughtful, kind, caring, and compassionate people that I have met. She is always concerned for everyone else and ALWAYS willing to help whenever she can.
Life has been tough for Josie and her family, but she has always handled every curve ball with love, compassion, and a strong will to overcome whatever has been thrown at her. Josie is an inspiration to everyone and is truly deserving of this award.
Josie is a very talented primitive crafter and designs beautiful primitive hooked rugs. She sells her rugs and other primitive items on her "My Primitive Home" website.
To all of the "ladies" above I say "thank-you." Thanks for being the wonderful, caring, helpful, loving, and "beautiful" women that you all are.