I was introduced to books early on by my Grandmother - especially books about dolls. I would sit in her lap while she was sitting in her rocking chair and she would read the stories to me. I loved the stories and loved holding my own "dollies" as we sat there rocking.

When primitive cloth dolls - especially "raggedies" (which are versions of Raggedy Ann dolls) became all the rage two decades ago I was thrilled. Around this same time primitive decor was gaining in popularity online which created a ton of primitive websites, blogs, and groups. It seemed there were primitives everywhere and no shortage of freebies for creating all sorts of primitive cloth dolls and crafts for home decor, but especially "raggedies."
So, given how much I love history and old books I decided to see if there was a copy of some of the old "Raggedy Ann" books out there on Project Gutenberg which displays books that are in the public domain. To my delight there was a "Raggedy Ann Stories" e-book written in 1918 and a "Raggedy Andy Stories" e-book written in 1920 that were now in the public domain.

I found most of the doll illustrations by Johnny Gruelle to be charming and decided I would remove the backgrounds from some of the illustrations and create free black/white coloring pages inspired by the illustrations from the free e-books so all the little girls and grown-up girls could enjoy coloring images of their favorite dolls together. I posted about both the two groups I created here and here.
You can get all the free coloring pages I created from my two Linda's Blog posts but I thought you might appreciate two free .pdf e-books that you could save and download to your computer. So, I created two free Raggedy Stories Dollies Free Coloring Pages E-books as well.
My first free coloring pages e-book contains contains twenty-seven individual 8 1/2" by 11" coloring pages.

Copyright © 2020 - 2023 Linda Walsh Originals - All Rights Reserved. For personal use only.
To view and download my free e-book please CLICK HERE. You'll be brought to Google Drive where you can view our free e-book. Then just download our free .pdf e-book by clicking on the down arrow in the top center.
My second free coloring pages e-book contains contains thirty one individual 8 1/2" by 11" coloring pages.

To view and download my free e-book please CLICK HERE. You'll be brought to Google Drive where you can view our free e-book. Then just download our free .pdf e-book by clicking on the down arrow in the top center.
I hope you enjoy my free coloring pages e-books.

Copyright © 2020 - 2023 Linda Walsh Originals - All Rights Reserved. For personal use only.
To view and download my free e-book please CLICK HERE. You'll be brought to Google Drive where you can view our free e-book. Then just download our free .pdf e-book by clicking on the down arrow in the top center.
I hope you enjoy my free coloring pages e-books.
Please respect My Terms of Use: All patterns, e-patterns, printables, e-printables, e-books, graphics, tutorials, how-to's, articles and other e-products © 2004-2023 Linda Walsh Originals-Designs by Linda Walsh. All rights reserved. Commercial selling or reselling by any means prohibited without the written consent of Linda Walsh.
Patterns, e-patterns, printables, e-printables, e-books, graphics, tutorials, how-to's, articles and other e-products are for personal use only. You may not modify, photocopy, download, upload, post, transmit, display, perform, publish, license, reprint, create derivative works from, mass duplicate, re-sell, digitize, and reproduce in any other form (print, digital or electric) or commercially apply, embed, share, Email, or redistribution in any other means. Use of any of the above is prohibited without the written permission of Linda Walsh.
Patterns, e-patterns, printables, e-printables, e-books, graphics, tutorials, how-to's, articles and other e-products are for personal use only. You may not modify, photocopy, download, upload, post, transmit, display, perform, publish, license, reprint, create derivative works from, mass duplicate, re-sell, digitize, and reproduce in any other form (print, digital or electric) or commercially apply, embed, share, Email, or redistribution in any other means. Use of any of the above is prohibited without the written permission of Linda Walsh.
However, you may link to my website(s)/blog(s) and the individual page(s)/blog post(s) (including 1 picture) but do not copy, reprint or duplicate my website(s)/blog(s) or individual page(s)/post(s ) without my permission.
Items made from Linda Walsh Originals E-Patterns are intended for personal use for fun or small scale personal and business profit as long as you credit us with the design. Large scale commercial use (i.e. mass production) of items made from Linda Walsh Originals E-Patterns are by permission only.
Please see my Terms and Conditions for additional information.
Copyright © 2004 - 2023 - All Rights Reserved - Written By Linda Walsh of Linda Walsh Originals and Linda's Blog. Linda is a doll maker and doll pattern designer.