I have been in love with flowers since I was a little girl. Then again I've been in love with many things since I was a little girl. My sister and I both love flowers with the dahlia being both our favorite flower. I also love iris and, when I was gardening, loved planting iris bulbs. They're such a beautiful flower. Unfortunately they don't last long.
So, it's no surprise that when I was designing fabrics I would create some with iris in them. Well, when I saw the Maximalist Design Challenge on Spoonflower I knew the different colors of iris would be perfect for a bright, splashy design.
Shown below is my challenge design. It's definitely colorful, bright, and splashy. I love it and hope you do too.

Maximalist Design Challenge Fabric

The Gardening Challenge
© 2004-2023 Copyright Linda Walsh Originals - Fabric Designs By Linda Walsh.
I just love iris and have designed several other iris custom fabric designs over the years.