Who can resist colonial cloth dolls with large embroidered eyes? Not I. If you can't either you're going to love our “Denis Loves His Big Eyes and Alice Loves Her Big Eyes” colonial boy and girl dolls 2 in 1 combo e-pattern.
“Alice Loves Her Big Eyes” is the epitome of a proper, colonial girl. She has manners and believes in being friendly and courteous at all times. Her one slight flaw is that she can’t stop looking at herself in the mirror. She’s just in love with her big, beautiful eyes.
Both she and her twin brother, Denis, inherited their good looks from their mother.
“Denis Loves His Big Eyes” isn’t at all proper like his twin sister, Alice. He might dress properly but he’s a rascal and the girls just love to run their fingers through his full head of curly burgundy hair.
He also spends a lot of time in front of the mirror just looking at his big, beautiful eyes.

If you love making colonial cloth dolls then you're going to love our "Pamela With The Big Eyes Loves Her Fall Colors" and her brother, "Peter With The Big Eyes Loves His Fall Outfit" 2 in 1 combo e-pattern.
"Pamela With The Big Eyes Loves Her Fall Colors" and her brother, "Peter With The Big Eyes Loves His Fall Outfit", are unusually close. They're fraternal twins, born two minutes apart on October 12 - Columbus Day. As a result they love the Fall and it's bright, beautiful colors, and they love being Colonial. Born and bred in Salem, MA.
So, it is no surprise that they love to wear their best Fall outfits when out for a walk on a beautiful Fall day. They love to walk down near the pier and the harbor. It's just so beautiful and peaceful down there. Plus, when they get hungry they can have afternoon tea and one of their favorite scones at a local cafe.
Pamela is a quiet, shy but proper, colonial girl. She was taught how to be a gracious lady and believes in being proper, friendly and courteous at all times - especially when out in public. Her only problem is that everyone keeps looking at her and her big, beautiful eyes - especially the young "gentlemen.". With all the eyes on her she gets self-conscious and starts to blush. And, when that happens she blushes from head to toe. Then all the young gentleman can't help themselves and vie for her attention - which irks her brother, Peter, to no end.
All in all Pamela is the epitome of a proper Colonial girl. If only the young "gentlemen" would leave her alone.
Peter is a terrific brother but is a tad conceited. He also has a bit of a temper - especially when it comes to his sister and all the young "gentlemen" vying for her attention. He knows she is absolutely beautiful with her big, beautiful eyes but hates all the attention she gets from the young "gentleman." Since he also has big, beautiful eyes he gets an enormous amount of attention himself from all the young "ladies." Of course, he doesn't mind this. That's okay. Its' just not okay for Pamela.
Pete is the epitome of a Colonial "gentleman" - except when it comes to his sister, Pamela, and his temper gets the better of him.

Alice has a mass of thick, dark burgundy curly hair all over her head with two bows on the top of her head. She has a cloth body with an embroidered face, lace trimmed slip, lace trimmed bloomers, lace trimmed dress with a lace trimmed insert adorned with a floral ribbon, and high waist dress band that ties in back in a bow and black boots with ties. She always has a mirror handy.

“Denis Loves His Big Eyes” isn’t at all proper like his twin sister, Alice. He might dress properly but he’s a rascal and the girls just love to run their fingers through his full head of curly burgundy hair. He also spends a lot of time in front of the mirror just looking at his big, beautiful eyes. He has a mass of thick, dark burgundy curly hair on the top and sides of his head. He has a cloth body with an embroidered face, shirt with collar, a double-breasted lined jacket with 6 buttons, cuff sleeves and matching cuffed pantaloons, and black boots with ties. He’s just a charmer.

Peter is a 16" handmade Colonial boy doll. He has a cloth body with an embroidered and chalk colored face with a mass of brown curly hair on the top sides of his head.
He is wearing his favorite Fall print shirt with burgundy ribbon and lace trimmed ascot and his "Sunday Best" suit. His cuffed pantaloons are cuffed and gathered at the waist. His coordinating color lined jacket has cuffed sleeves, fold down lapels, and running stitch embroidery along all the edges. One large button adorns his jacket. He also has black boots with gold embroidery floss cross-crossed for ties.

Pamela is a 16 handmade Colonial girl doll. She has a cloth body with an embroidered and chalk colored face and a mass of dark brown curly hair on the sides of her head with the back left bare.
She is wearing lace trimmed bloomers gathered at the waist. Her lace trimmed slip is also gathered at the waist. She has black boots criss-crossed with gold embroidery floss for laces. She is wearing a beautiful , multi-colored Fall print "Sunday Best" dress with burgundy lace trim and fancy cord trim along the bottom hem edge and sleeve hem edges. Her dress has a burgundy lace trimmed pumpkin colored insert which is adorned with two floral ribbon and bead decorations. It is gathered at the shoulders, wrists, and neck and has burgundy lace and white fancy cord trim wrapped around her waist.
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