Saturday, April 12, 2014

Sometimes Saving A Few Items Is Worth It

I'm sure I'm not the only crafter that gets asked a lot if I want something before a family member or friend of a family member throws anything out that could be used for my crafts or is a craft supply.

Many years ago I was given a large glass candle cover that someone in the family was throwing away and thought I might like to keep for my floral crafts. So, of course, I took it and stored it away for that one day when I was looking for something just like it.

To understand collecting such things you have to understand that nothing irks a crafter more than to throw something away and then turn around shortly thereafter and need such an item. As a result we tend to save a lot more than we should.

Several years ago I was also sent a Christmas greenery arrangement that had a long flat basin to it. After the greenery turned brown and I had to throw it away I decided to store the basin as I thought I might just have a use for it at some point in time.

Well, a couple of years ago I decided to put that large glass candle cover and basin to good use and created a winter floral arrangement that had a white rose with silver silk twigs inside surrounded on the outside by artificial garlands, white silk poinsettias, small pine cones, and silver wire ribbon bows.

I was pleased with the way the floral arrangement turned out and every winter now this arrangement is proudly displayed.

It just goes to show you that sometimes saving a few items is well worth it.  At least that's what I keep telling myself.

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