Linda Walsh Originals Blog Pages

Saturday, November 06, 2010

The Rest Of The Shadowbox Pictures

In a previous post on my Linda's Blog entitled "Shadowbox Pictures For Fall Decorations" I told you about the shadowboxes hubby and I had made for some of the gifts were were giving one Christmas season. 

We had created enough shadowboxes to give as gifts and enough for decorations for every season. The shadowboxes were mostly made out of 1/2"x1" pine for the frames and 1/2" pine boards for the centers.  The frames were painted one color and the center boards were painted another.  And, rub-on stencils were added to the center boards to complete the pictures. 

There was only one exception to the total wood picture and that was for the snowman picture shown at the beginning of this post.  That shadowbox was created using pine wood for the frames and an 8"x10" canvas panel for the center.  Like the other shadowbox pictures I painted the canvas panel a different color then the frames and then applied the rub-on stencils to create the picture.  Brush on varnish was added to seal everything. 

Shown below are some of the shadowboxes we created for the Christmas holiday and winter season.  

I hope you enjoyed seeing all the pictures.

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