Linda Walsh Originals Blog Pages

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Baby Sister Hits 4 Home Runs With Her Floral Art Entries

My sister and I are alike in so many ways.  We both love to craft but we're individual when it comes to our passions.  I love Victorian dresses, dolls, all crafts but especially mixed media, genealogy, history and silk floral crafts.  My sister loves natural flowers, gardening, fiber arts, spinning yarn, dying yarns, knitting and Nuno felting. 

Years ago her love of gardening drove her to join a local gardening club. Being a member meant that you were encouraged to participate in creating entries for the garden clubs competition for the local country fair. 

Over the years my sister has entered numerous entries for the fair and has won some of the time and lost some of the time.

Well, this year my sister's floral imagination hit it out of the park.  Her main entry, which she named "Oreo Cookie" (shown in the picture above) took first prize.

The pairs entry that she and another member of the garden club submitted, which they named "Color Blooms" and which is shown in the picture above, took first prize.

Her entry in another one of the categories, which she named "A Long Time Ago" and which is shown in the picture above, took second prize.  The only criticism from the judges for the entry shown above was they didn't like the droopiness of a couple of the long reeds.

At the last minute she was talked into creating an entry for one of the categories that didn't have enough entries.  Her entry, which is shown in the picture above, that she named "Still Growing" took 3rd prize.

Not only am I amazed by my sister's unbelievable creative imagination when it comes to her floral art entries, but I'm so very, very PROUD of her.  

She definitely hit the ball out of the park this year.

Congratulations, Deb!

Pictures - Copyright © 2022 -  2023 All Rights Reserved - Debra Bohringer

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