Linda Walsh Originals Blog Pages

Wednesday, September 06, 2017

“Scarecrow Rob” Country Scarecrow Doll

“Scarecrow Rob” - a right handsome scarecrow. He's not really plump - okay maybe just a little around the middle, but he sure is pleasant. And, he sure is handsome. In fact, you could consider him one of the most happy-go-lucky "handsome" scarecrows you'd ever want to meet. He's happy raking leaves, talking to the squirrels. Even chatting with the crows. He's even happy when the girl scarecrows call him "Robbie." "We just love you so, Robbie!"

He's wearing a gathered long sleeve shirt, corduroy pants with wired ribbon straps and buttons, embroidered vest with patches, and fringed wool felt scarf. His wired ribbon decorated and lined hat barely controls his long raffia strands for hair. His arms are wire-shaped and covered. His face is embroidered and he has a fabric covered head and covered rectangular wood base. His inner body is supported by a dowel and is covered by his shirt and square-bottomed pants. He has embroidered and decorated leaves and a pumpkin face on the front of his pants. Scarecrow Rob is holding a wooden rake with tines decorated with silk leaves and raffia. He is decorated with various clumps and strands of raffia.

Everyone and everything is just so pleasant when "Scarecrow Rob" is around. Even the girls. "We just love you so, Robbie!"

"Scarecrow Robbie" was the first large cloth and wood doll that I designed. He's named after my older brother and his story concerns childhood memories of the girls chasing after my brother "Robbie! "We just love you so, Robbie!"

Copyright © 2004 - 2023 - All Rights Reserved - Designed and Written By Linda Walsh

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