Linda Walsh Originals Blog Pages

Thursday, June 15, 2017

My “Magdalene -The Drama Queen” Victorian Art Doll New

Magdalene is very much the Drama Queen and is always in need of her smelling salts. She'll faint at the drop of a hat.

Of course, it's all part of her act. She craves attention and wants everyone to constantly attend to her every need. In order to get everyone to pay attention she sighs, huffs, groans, and moans and will even faint for a second or two.

I don't know why but every time I look at her I think of King George. Maybe its her full head of very, very thick white curly hair with a speckle of gray and black intertwined.

Maybe it's because her hair reminds me of the wigs the British barrister's wear in court. Or, maybe, it's her outfit.

Magdalene has a mass of thick, white curly hair on her head with a bow in back. She has a cloth body with an embroidered face and is wearing the latest in fashion - a flounce dress with matching and visible bloomers.

Her dress is so big she requires assistance to get up from her chair. Of course, that doesn't bother Magdalene on bit. Her goal in life is to be waited on at all times."

Make room for "Magdalene - The Drama Queen!" She needs plenty of room and plenty of attention.

Magdalene has a mass of thick white/gray hair all over her head with a bow on the top of her head. She has a cloth body with an embroidered face, a puffy dress with two complimentary fabrics, lace collar, matching bloomers, and a lace embroidered decoration on the front of her dress. Her mission in life is to always draw all the attention to herself.

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