Linda Walsh Originals Blog Pages

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Luther The Folk-Art Doll Loves The Fall and His Pumpkins - New E-Pattern and Handmade Doll

"Lili The Folk-Art Doll Loves The Fall and Her Pumpkins" and "Luther The Folk-Art Doll Loves The Fall and His Pumpkins" are fraternal twins, brother and sister. Even though they are fraternal twins they still look alike except for their hair. Lili has beautiful raggedy orange curly hair while Luther has straight brown hair.

Like a lot of identical or fraternal twins they seem to be able to read each others minds. So much so that it's downright scary. They act alike and dress alike. They even know what each will be wearing and when and both love the bright vivid colors of the Fall season. Pus, they love pumpkins.

Their Mother always thanks her lucky stars that at least they were a different sex and had different hair. If they didn't even she would not be able to tell them apart.

Lili and Luther can finish each other's sentences and vice versa. They stick together like glue. Where there's one there's the other. And, where they are they're always surrounded by their pumpkins.

"Luther The Folk-Art Doll Loves The Fall and His Pumpkins" is an 16" folk-art boy doll. He is wearing his favorite outfit for the Fall. Everything just coordinates so beautifully.


Luther is a folk-art boy doll with a cloth body, an embroidered face, and thick straight brown hair on the top and sides of his head with the back left bare. His boots are black and criss-crossed with orange embroidery floss.

He is wearing his favorite coordinated outfit a shirt that matches the cuffs and pockets of his pantaloons. His shirt has rust colored cuffs, is gathered at the neck, and has a button accent insert. His pantaloons are cuffed and have two pockets and are gathered at the waist.

Luther is surrounded with her favorite Fall fabric quilted pumpkins.

Copyright © 2004 - 2023 - All Rights Reserved - Designed and Written By Linda Walsh

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